Eight weeks in to the school year, and I can safely say that AP Biology is my favorite class of the day. All of my other classes are great, but none of them can even compete with AP Bio. Not only is the information semi-interesting (unlike Spanish 1 where the most entertaining thing is freshmen boys picking their noses...yikes.), but the teacher makes it all worth the while. We just finsihed the evolution unit. I was excited for this unit before it came, but now that it is gone, I am saddened. It interests me how we could have come from the same organisim as a shark. Sweet, right?
While the class is supposed to be primarily learning, which it usually is, the jokes and side notes are the most entertaining. Our teacher makes sure that we are awake by constantly cracking a joke. The students in the class are also experts on making everyone laugh. Just today, we were talking about polar and nonpolar bonds. We discovered what "Dry Cleaning" actually is, and also determined that the Wicked Witch of the West is polar! Which is why she dissolves in water.
I will forever remember this class -I might even say that is the best class of my high school career.
Thanks to the great teacher for making the information stick, and to my fellow peers for making it oh-so entertaining.
Thanks for the kind comments Barber. The part about you guys bringing the class to life is probably the most accurate piece as to why the class is enjoyable. I've truly enjoyed teaching AP biology the past two years because the students in the class have made it fun. Keep up the good work on your blog.